Live Long and Prosper: Aging in Vietnam
Client: World Bank
Project Brief: A video taking Vietnam as the model to visualize The World Banks’ report: ‘Live Long and Prosper? Aging in East Asia Pacific’.
Role: Producer / Videographer / Editor

16 in ’16
Client: takepart
Project Brief: A multimedia multi-countries project profiling 16 girls around the world who are 16 years old in 2016.
Role: Producer / Videographer for interviews and footage in Vietnam

Pathway To Prosperity
Client: World Bank
Project Brief: On going project to highlight the new World Bank’s Road Asset Management Project in Vietnam.
Video includes newly created footage and ones from World Bank’s archive.
Role: Producer / Videographer / Editor

EAP Gender Capacity Program for Rural Transport
Client: World Bank
Project Brief: A project documenting the World Bank’s workshop in Vietnam discussing how to integrate gender into rural transport design.
Role: Producer / Videographer / Editor